Debian Project Leader Elections 2002

Time Line

Nomination period:February 6th, 2002 to February 27th, 2002
Campaigning period:February 28th, 2002 to March 23rd, 2002
Voting period:March 24th, 2002 to 23:59:59 UTC on April 16th, 2002


  1. Branden Robinson [[email protected]] [platform]
  2. Raphaël Hertzog [[email protected]] [platform]
  3. Bdale Garbee [[email protected]] [platform]


preliminary transcripts: HTML, plain text
Many Thanks to Ben Collins for conducting the debate, and to Rob Levin and OPN for allowing us to conduct the debate on their network.

Data and Statistics

Some statistics have been gathered about ballots and acknowledgements periodically during the voting period. Additionally, the list of people for the election is available, complete with tokens so that the voters may check their votes were tallied. The tally sheet is also present. In the following table, tally[row x][col y] represents the votes that candidate x received over candidate y. A more detailed explanation of the beat matrix may help in understanding the table.

  1 2 3 4
1   255 178 385
2 199   134 406
3 291 327   443
4 68 50 18  

Looking at row 2, column 1, Candidate 2 (Raphaël Hertzog) received 199 votes over Candidate 1 (Branden Robinson)
Looking at row 1, column 2, Candidate 1 (Branden Robinson) received 255 votes over Candidate 2 (Raphaël Hertzog)


With 939 developers, Q=15.32155, making a quorum of 45.96466


The winner of the election is Bdale Garbee.
I would like to thank Branden Robinson and Raphaël Hertzog for their service to the project, for standing for the post of project leader, and for offering the developers a strong and viable group of candidates.

Graphical rendering of the results

For understanding the Condorcet method, the Wikipedia entry is fairly informative.

Total unique votes cast: 475
Pairwise elections won-lost-tied:

Branden Robinson 2-1-0 votes against in worst defeat/closest victory: 291
Raphaël Hertzog 1-2-0 votes against in worst defeat/closest victory: 327
Bdale Garbee 3-0-0 votes against in worst defeat/closest victory: 178
None Of The Above 0-3-0 votes against in worst defeat/closest victory: 443